
4 Warning Signs That Indicate You Need Hydraulic Repairs

Posted September 26, 2022

Hydraulic motors are used in many applications across various industries. They are the reliable workhorses that are often expected to run 24/7. And, when they fail, they can be the source of serious downtime leading to loss of production.

As with all mechanical equipment, your hydraulic machinery will benefit from routine inspections and a regular maintenance schedule; however, here are four warning signs to look out for that may indicate the need for hydraulic repairs.

1) Temperature Changes Could Indicate Need For Hydraulic Repairs

Hydraulic systems have an operating temperature that indicates that the system is working at its optimum level. Usually, this would be around 82℃. If the temperature consistently rises above this threshold, it is a clear warning sign of a faulty system and indicates the need for hydraulic repairs.

Multiple factors could lead to this rise in temperature from a simple filter or gasket that needs a replacement for efficient operation. But either way, you should not ignore this situation, and addressing temperature rises timeously can save much trouble down the line.

2) Loud Noises

If your hydraulic system is emitting unusual or loud noises, you should be concerned as this is often an indicator of an imminent failure and the need for hydraulic repairs. Knocking and banging noises can indicate aeration or cavitation. 

Aeration is when air infiltrates the hydraulic system, leading to alarming noises as it circulates in the system and compresses and decompresses.

Cavitation happens when bubbles form within the liquid due to low-pressure areas in the system. Then when these bubbles are exposed to higher pressure, they collapse and “pop” or implode, causing mini shockwaves and the resultant knocking sounds.

3) Leaks And Drips

Oil dripping from any part of a system indicates that you require hydraulic repairs. You should address this situation swiftly to avoid damage to your machinery or system.

4) Equipment Stops Working

If your hydraulic equipment suddenly stops working, you can know for sure that you need hydraulic repairs. 

Contact Diesel-Tech Machinery today for all your hydraulic repairs. Our team of expert technicians will detect and repair your system with speed and efficiency. Our mobile service van offers on-call breakdown support. 

